Top Ways Brillia’s 5 Pillars of Health Impact Anxiety & ADHD

Top Ways Brillia’s 5 Pillars of Health Impact Anxiety & ADHD

"Brillia is clinically proven to reduce symptoms related to anxiety and ADHD without affecting any other systems in the body or reacting to other medications or supplements."

Leading a healthy lifestyle, such as eating nutritious food and getting enough sleep, are some of the best things we can do for our physical health. But such lifestyle habits can also make a difference in how we think and feel. If you or your child struggle with anxiety or symptoms of ADHD, like hyperactivity or inattention, making simple adjustments to your lifestyle can be a game changer.

At Brillia, we advocate for holistic strategies to address symptoms associated with anxiety and ADHD. After all, there is no one magic cure, and Brillia can be used to help turn healthy lifestyle changes into habits so you eventually need less and less of any medication (although there’s no harm in taking Brillia for as long as you need support). This strategy is encapsulated in Brillia’s Five Pillars, a synergistic approach that combines neuroscience and behavioral science for long-lasting change.

What are Brillia’s Five Pillars?

Brillia’s holistic Five Pillars consist of targeted ingredients and complementary lifestyle changes:

  1. Proper nutrition
  2. Adequate sleep
  3. Mindfulness and relaxation
  4. Controlled screen time
  5. Understanding your symptoms and considering Brillia for support

While healthy lifestyle changes set a foundation for whole-body health, they also maximize the effects of Brillia’s targeted ingredients. Brillia is not intended to replace parenting adjustments or discipline, nor should it replace the help from a therapist or doctor. But it does support children, teens, and adults who are neurodivergent and not performing at their optimum potential socially, academically, or professionally. Brillia helps control symptoms to allow these healthier lifestyle changes to be implemented.

Brillia is not big pharma. What sets Brillia apart from other medications for ADHD and anxiety is that Brillia is a gentle, non-prescription yet very impactful alternative, which your or your child can try first instead of going directly to prescription medications with harmful side effects. Brillia’s holistic approach begins with making healthier lifestyle changes, such as improving sleep and nutrition, controlling screen time and practicing relaxation techniques.

Browse articles and recommendations on how to achieve a healthy lifestyle with the Brillia approach. 

The Tie Between Each Pillar and Anxiety & ADHD 

Instead of waiting for symptoms to arise and then attempting to eradicate them, Brillia’s approach addresses the root cause of symptoms, which begins with whole-body health. Each pillar is specifically chosen because of research that supports they relate to anxiety and ADHD symptoms. For instance, research shows that the risk of an ADHD diagnosis is lower in those who follow a healthy diet, exercise, limit screen time, and get adequate sleep.1 Similarly, some studies show that  people who lead healthy lifestyles are 95% less likely to be anxious.2

In the same way, Brillia’s active ingredient consists of antibodies to the S100B protein, which plays a crucial role in many different intracellular and extracellular brain processes. By regulating the activity of this protein, Brillia can help control symptoms associated with ADHD and anxiety at their source without drowsiness, nausea, appetite changes, dependency or any other harmful side effects associated with prescription drugs. 

This multifaceted strategy helps control your symptoms, minimizes their occurrences, and helps you manage them effectively when they do.   

Learn more about how each pillar works:

1. Proper Nutrition

Poor nutrition, consisting of processed foods, excess sugar, and simple carbs are known to worsen anxiety and exacerbate ADHD symptoms.3, 4 Following a varied diet of whole foods, including plenty of vegetables and fruits, is the best way to get the nutrients your body needs.

Here’s what the research says on nutrition and anxiety:

  • In a 2021 scoping review on dietary patterns, researchers found a correlation between high-fat diets and higher levels of anxiety.16 Those who ate more fruits and vegetables, consumed omega-3 fatty acids, and didn’t skip breakfast were less likely to be anxious.5
  • Other studies have found that reducing caffeine and taking prebiotics and probiotics can help balance the microbiome and increase serotonin production, promoting a more positive mood.6

How nutrition affects ADHD:

  • A study at the University of South Carolina found that the more sugar hyperactive children consumed, the more destructive and restless they became.7
  • Other research has shown that restricting sugar and supplementing with omega-3s reduces symptoms associated with ADHD.8
  • Numerous studies show that people with ADHD have nutritional deficiencies in such vitamins and minerals as magnesium, calcium, and phosphorous. Eating a varied diet of colorful foods is the best way to get a range of nutrients.9
  • Though processed foods and food dyes do not cause ADHD, studies show that they can have negative neurobehavioral outcomes in the general population, including poor memory, inattention, and hyperactivity.10

Explore more resources on proper nutrition.

brillia logoNo prescription.
No harmful side effects.


2. Adequate Sleep 

Skimping on sleep can have disastrous effects on our body, mood, and cognitive function. There’s also a bidirectional relationship between sleep and anxiety. Excess worry and fear make it more difficult to fall and stay asleep, while sleep deprivation can worsen anxiety. At the same time, lack of sleep has been shown to make ADHD symptoms worse. The recommended sleep guidelines for adults are 7-9 hours of sleep per night, while school-age children should get 9-10 hours, and teenagers should get 8-10 hours. 

Here’s what the research says on sleep and anxiety:

  • According to Mental Health America, poor sleep habits like staying up too late or drinking caffeine too close to bedtime are linked to depression and anxiety.11 
  • Neuroimaging studies have shown that an adequate night’s sleep helps nurture both mental and emotional resilience, while chronic sleep disruptions generate negative thinking.12 Practicing good sleep hygiene like going to bed early and having a relaxing night time ritual before bed can help you sleep better and stress less.

How sleep affects ADHD:

  • Studies show sleep deprivation and sleep disturbances are common in people with ADHD and exacerbate ADHD symptoms, including inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.13 They may occur because of deficits of the prefrontal cortex, which carries out executive functions, a dysfunction of the dopamine neurotransmitter, and a maladjusted circadian rhythm.
  • Sleep interventions may be key to improving not just sleep, but also ADHD symptoms and working memory.14 Some ways to do this are having a consistent bedtime and waking up at the same time, not keeping screens in the bedroom, and avoiding activities that may require hyperfocusing in the evening.

Explore more resources on adequate sleep.

3. Controlled Screen Time

Screens are nearly unavoidable in our busy, modern lives. We find them at work, school, home, and even in our pockets. As useful as they may be, electronic devices have detrimental effects on our mood and attention, which could spell trouble for those who struggle with anxiety or ADHD.

Here’s what the research says on screen time and anxiety:

  • A recent study by UCLA found that excessive screen time increases anxiety by inhibiting a child’s ability to recognize emotions.15 This may also be a result of decreased face to face interaction and increased exposure to cyberbullying, which can lead to feelings of isolation and low self esteem.
  • Some studies show that increased screen time contributes to poor sleep and lack of physical activity, which leads to higher levels of anxiety. Some ways to limit screen time are turning off notifications and designating screen-free zones in the home.

How screen time affects ADHD:

  • While it’s a stretch to say screen time causes ADHD, some studies suggest children with ADHD may be at increased risk of developing a screen addiction.17
  • In a survey conducted during COVID-19, 90 percent of families reported screen overload, which contributed to worsened ADHD symptoms, behavioral issues, lack of interest in school, and sleep problems.18 If you or your child have ADHD, it can be hard to keep track of how much time has been spent on screens. Using timers and keeping screens in shared rooms is a good way to monitor and cut back.

Explore more resources on controlled screen time

4. Mindfulness & Relaxation 

Practicing mindfulness and relaxation techniques are a great way to feel calmer and more balanced whether you struggle with anxiety or ADHD or you simply feel stressed on occasion. While meditation may be the first thing that comes to mind, there are a number of mindfulness practices to consider, including deep breathing exercises, yoga, tai chi, and even journal writing.

Here’s what the research says on mindfulness and anxiety:

  • MRI scans have shown that mindfulness changes the way our brain responds to stress and anxiety by affecting the “fight or flight” center of the brain.19 During an eight-week course of mindfulness practice, this brain region, which is associated with fear and emotion, begins to shrink and calm the stress response.
  • In a 2022 study that compared mindfulness meditation to the anxiety medication Lexapro®,  researchers discovered that there was a 20 percent reduction in anxiety symptoms over an eight-week period, whether participants were taking the prescription drug or practicing mindfulness.20 This proves that mindfulness is as effective as prescription anti-anxiety medication without the side effects.

How mindfulness affects ADHD:

  • Studies have shown that mindfulness significantly improves symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity, increases focus, and reduces stress in adolescents and adults.21 
  • Yoga, which combines mindfulness and movement, has been found to increase dopamine levels and strengthen the prefrontal cortex. One study revealed that kids who practiced yoga moves for 20 minutes twice a week for eight weeks improved on tests that measure attention and focus.22

Explore more resources on mindfulness and relaxation.

5. Taking Brillia 

The last pillar is understanding your symptoms and learning how Brillia can help. Brillia comes in two formulations: Brillia for children and Brillia for adults. As an extremely targeted medication, Brillia is clinically proven to reduce symptoms related to anxiety and ADHD without affecting any other systems in the body or reacting to other medications or supplements. 

As stated above, Brillia targets the S100B protein to help control symptoms at their source, and in doing so, the medication also normalizes the level of monoamines (dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin) in different parts of the brain to promote a more balanced mood and better focus and clarity.

Brillia is not a quick fix; as a gentle and cumulative medication, when taken regularly at the correct dose, it will take three to four weeks to build in the system. We do ask users to be patient and consistent before assessing results. But when used together with the Five Pillars, the results are palpable. Find out what other Brillia users and their parents have to say in our reviews.

Find out more about the Five Pillars and how Brillia works. And explore more resources on managing symptoms of anxiety and ADHD at the Brillia(nce) Resource Center.

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References: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
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