Brillia for Pre-teens ages 11 - 12
See how Brillia can help control
symptoms of anxiety and inattention (ADHD) at various ages.
Anxiety and inattention in 11 to 12-year-old pre-teens.
The pre-teen years are fraught with changes in physicality, emotion, learning, and relationships. It’s not uncommon for anxiety to bubble up from time-to-time or for your pre-teen to have trouble paying attention when so many new worries and new interests are likely coming to the surface. However, if you’ve noticed that your child’s anxiety or lack of focus is worsening and interfering with their academics or relationships, it’s possible that they may be struggling with an anxiety disorder or ADHD. Brillia is clinically proven to reduce anxiety and inattention for pre-teens without the harsh chemicals in prescription medications.

Anxiety signs and symptoms in pre-teens:
- Trouble falling or staying asleep
- Obsessive thoughts
- Panic attacks
- Changes in appetite
- Lack of focus
- Teariness or crankiness
- Chronic self-doubt
- Avoidance of school or social situations
- Muscle tension
- Shaking and sweating in triggering situations

Inattention (ADHD) signs and symptoms in pre-teens:
- Difficulty settling down and focusing on tasks
- Exhibiting attention-seeking behavior or socially withdrawing
- Starts tasks but doesn’t finish them
- Trouble maintaining interest
- Gets lost when tasks have multiple steps
- Tendency to lose things
- Easily distracted
- Makes careless mistakes
- Emotional volatility
Verified by science, clinical studies and approved by the toughest critics you’ll find anywhere…moms 🙂

Save up to 35%: Order a 3-month supply with free shipping and a money back guarantee.
Brillia is a gentle product but powerful enough to provide results with consistency, so we recommend to give it the full 3 months to see results. To give you the peace of mind to commit to the 3-month program, we have the highest discounts and free shipping for these bundles and we offer a money back guarantee (some restrictions apply).
Are anxiety and inattention normal in 11 to 12-year-old pre-teens?
The hormonal changes that occur during the pre-teen years can make life feel like an emotional rollercoaster. Anxiety and moments of inattention come and go for most kids grappling with new experiences, but there are some signs you should look out for that may indicate a bigger issue. These signs include physical symptoms like sleep issues, emotional symptoms like panic attacks, and even behavioral signs like social withdrawal. We recommend finding ways to support pre-teens at home and considering a gentle medication like Brillia first before choosing prescription medication as your first course of action.

Let’s answer any questions
How does a homeopathic remedy for anxiety or inattention (ADHD) work for 11 and 12-year olds?
Your child’s school or doctor may be quick to prescribe medication to treat anxiety or ADHD symptoms, but we recommend trying a gentler route first. Brillia is a homeopathic alternative to prescription medication, reducing symptoms of anxiety and ADHD with targeted antibody ingredients for a gentle and impactful approach that works in tandem with the healthy lifestyle habits outlined in our 5-Pillar methodology. Available without a prescription or official diagnosis, Brillia’s active antibody ingredient targets the brain-specific S100 protein (S100B), an important regulator of many different intracellular and extracellular brain processes, including mood. Without altering the concentration of the S100B protein or causing any off-target effects, Brillia stops the instigation of symptoms at their very source without any harsh chemicals or harmful side effects so your child can feel better while still feeling like themselves.
What is Brillia’s 5-Pillar approach for anxiety or ADHD in 11 and 12-year-olds?
Brillia works best in combination with the healthy lifestyle habits outlined in our 5 Pillar methodology for a holistic approach that promotes whole-body health. These include limiting their screen use, encouraging them to follow a healthy diet, ensuring they get adequate sleep, and practicing mindfulness and relaxation techniques.
What Brillia dosage is recommended for 11 and 12-year-olds?
Brillia’s dosage for 11 and 12-year-olds depends on the severity of their symptoms as you would rate them: moderate or severe. If you are unsure, we suggest starting with the moderate dosage, which means one pill in the morning, one mid-day and one in the evening at least 2 hours before bedtime. Moderate and severe require 3 doses spread out as evenly as possible throughout the day. If you are unable to spread them out evenly because of school, it is still recommended to take 3 doses even if two of them might end up being a little closer together (instead of doubling up on a dose). And if your child is already taking other prescription medications or supplements, you can safely add Brillia to their regimen without worry because there are no contraindications.
How can I help my 11 or 12-year-old with anxiety or inattention (ADHD)?
If you suspect your pre-teen is struggling with anxiety or ADHD, or they’ve been officially diagnosed, there are action steps you can take to support them. Speaking to a counselor can help your child come up with strategies to face anxiety-triggering situations and manage their ADHD symptoms. Working with your child’s teacher to come up with an individual learning plan can also help them succeed in school despite their differences. Try to make routines at home as predictable as possible to support your child and encourage them to use a planner to organize their time or a journal to sort through troubling emotions. If you also struggle with anxiety, remember to model healthy ways of handling it so they can learn helpful tactics at home.
How is Brillia clinically-proven for pre-teens?
Brillia’s safety and efficacy are verified and supported by science and various clinical trials and studies. These studies have proven Brillia’s safety and efficacy, showing that children taking Brillia had a significant decrease in the severity of their symptoms compared to placebo and experienced no statistically relevant adverse effects. With 10 years of success in Europe, Brillia has provided substantive documentation on this clinical data to the FDA to support the claims the product makes while abiding by all FDA standards and regulations.
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