What To Do If A Teacher Suggests Your Child Should Be Medicated for ADD/ADHD

What To Do If A Teacher Suggests Your Child Should Be Medicated for ADD/ADHD

"...many childhood behaviors can mimic or exacerbate the symptoms of ADHD, such as excessive screen use or a poor diet, and there are a number of interventions you can take to manage ADHD symptoms that do not involve prescription medication"

Teachers have huge responsibilities in their classrooms, from planning, preparing, and delivering lessons to keeping their students safe. But one responsibility that should never fall into a teacher’s hands is deciding whether or not your child needs medication. 

While it’s true that teachers have a unique vantage point from which to assess your child and that a teacher’s input is valuable in determining an ADD/ADHD diagnosis, ADHD is complex and often mimics other conditions.1 There are also a variety of ways to treat ADHD in children, with prescription medication being just one of them. 

Your child’s teacher may have their best interests in mind, but it’s up to you and your child’s doctor to determine whether or not medication is the right path. After all, your child’s teacher is unlikely to have access to your child’s medical history and, unless they moonlight as a physician, they lack the medical expertise to make a diagnosis.

Find out how to be prepared if your child’s teacher suggests medication for your child, behaviors to keep an eye on, and how to figure out the right route for your family. 

How to be Prepared if Your Child’s Teacher Suggests Medication

By law, public schools are not allowed to require students to take ADHD medication.2 Teachers should not try to coerce or encourage parents to make this choice by insinuating their child will fall behind if they don’t take medication. 

Whether your child has been diagnosed with ADHD or not, knowing how the law protects children with ADHD is one powerful way to prepare for a teacher’s recommendation to medicate your child.3 Some other steps you can take is talking to a school administrator or the principal about the teacher’s recommendations. You might even find out if there is a special education contact and talk to them about the situation. They will be better equipped with what the law says about ADHD in schools and what the protocol should be in receiving an official diagnosis. 

Ultimately, it is not up to a teacher to attempt diagnosing or prescribing medication. If your child’s teacher does not know this, then his or her superiors should. If you feel like you are being coerced to medicate your child or being given an ultimatum, you can also consider taking it up with your state’s department of education. 

Behaviors to Keep an Eye On 

If you had not yet considered that your child had ADHD, it might feel alarming to hear a suggestion like this from your child’s teacher. But it’s helpful to know that many childhood behaviors can mimic or exacerbate the symptoms of ADHD, such as excessive screen use or a poor diet, and there are a number of interventions you can take to manage ADHD symptoms that do not involve prescription medication.

While no two kids experience ADHD in the same way, here are some signs that your child may be struggling.

Common behaviors in kids with ADHD:

  • Trouble sitting still; constant fidgeting
  • Making careless mistakes
  • Talking excessively
  • Interrupting others
  • Difficulty paying attention
  • Forgetfulness
  • Having temper tantrums and emotional outbursts
  • Not being able to wait their turn 
  • Constantly losing items 

brillia logoNo prescription.
No harmful side effects.


Getting a Second Opinion from a Medical Professional  

While it’s true that medication is effective for many individuals with ADHD, it’s always ideal to get a second opinion for your child. While it’s recommended to discuss this matter with your child’s pediatrician, be sure to also consult a psychiatrist as they are the most qualified in recommending the next steps. 

After all, even though educators report that they often make recommendations to parents regarding stimulant medication in particular, many admit to having very little information regarding these medications.4 

There are also a number of steps you can take in tandem to help manage ADHD symptoms. At Brillia we are proponents of making healthier lifestyle changes to help improve symptoms of anxiety, irritability, poor focus, and other symptoms associated with ADHD. Our holistic approach encourages adults, teens, and children to improve such aspects of their life as nutrition, sleep, and screen use to reduce symptoms in the gentlest way possible.

Figuring Out the Right Route for Your Kid 

Devising a personalized treatment plan for your child is key to managing symptoms associated with ADHD like inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity, and irritability. While medication may be the right choice for one child, therapy alone might be a better choice for another. As mentioned above, even making simple lifestyle adjustments like following a healthy diet, limiting screen time, getting enough sleep, and practicing mindfulness techniques can manage your child’s symptoms effectively without the need for medication.

At Brillia, we recommend seeing prescription medication as a last resort, after other interventions have been tried. In addition to promoting a healthy lifestyle, trying a homeopathic medication like Brillia can help improve your child’s focus and attention while reducing hyperactivity and other ADHD symptoms without any harsh chemicals or harmful side effects. As part of a gentle and holistic plan, Brillia targets the brain-specific S100B protein, an important regulator of intracellular and extracellular brain processes, including various enzyme activities, calcium homeostasis, and communication between neurons. It is also highly related to mood regulation. The medication works best in conjunction with lifestyle adjustments outlined in our 5-Pillar methodology, merging neuroscience and behavioral science for long-lasting success. 

Brillia is a non-prescription medication that is available without a diagnosis so you can start or stop at any time, even if your child is already taking medication for ADHD or another condition. There are absolutely no contraindications associated with the medication. In fact, many users take Brillia instead of increasing the dosage of their current medications, or they switch over entirely with the approval of their doctor. Please keep in mind that as a gentle and cumulative product, Brillia does take 3-4 weeks to build in the system, so your child must be patient and consistent to start seeing results. 

How Else You Can Help

Finding out your child may have ADHD can feel overwhelming for parents, especially if your child’s teacher approaches you with serious recommendations. You can best support your child by arming yourself with as much knowledge as you can about ADHD symptoms and the types of medication your child’s teacher may be recommending, including the side effects associated with each one. 

Tapping into ADHD resources can also offer great support. There is a wide community of parents who have children with ADHD and it’s easier than ever to find parenting tips, dietary recommendations and more online to help successfully manage symptoms. 

Find an extensive array of resources on managing ADHD at the Brillia(nce) Resource Center and find out more about how Brillia works for children with ADHD.

Brillia is always here to help you shine brigher.

References: 1https://www.healthline.com/health/adhd/adhd-misdiagnosis, 2https://www.understood.org/en/articles/can-a-school-make-medication-a-requirement-for-my-child-to-attend, 3https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/dcl-know-rights-201607-504.pdf, 4https://www.drbeurkens.com/taking-a-stand-educators-and-medication-recommendations/
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