Brillia can be a game changer when it comes to reducing symptoms associated with anxiety and ADHD. But how long does it take for you to notice its effects? And how can you tell if your dosage is working?
Find out how Brillia works, what you can expect when you start taking the medication, and when you should try a different dose.
What are Brillia’s Benefits?
Brillia is recommended for children and adults who struggle with anxiety, hyperactivity, inattention, irritability, and impulsivity. You do not need an official diagnosis or prescription to take Brillia, but many users with ADD, ADHD, OCD, ODD, autism, and anxiety disorders use the medication with great success.
Free from synthetic chemicals and harmful side effects, Brillia targets symptoms at their very source using antibodies to the brain-specific S100B protein. This protein plays an important role in many different intracellular and extracellular brain processes, including various enzyme activities, calcium homeostasis, and communication between neurons. It is also highly connected to mood regulation.
Unlike prescription drugs for anxiety and ADHD, Brillia has these unique characteristics:
- Antibody ingredients with results and safety supported by clinical studies
- No prescription needed as categorized by the FDA upon review of the ingredients and clinical studies
- Proven to help control symptoms
- Not habit-forming
- No contraindications; the medication can be safely taken with other medications or supplements
- Does not mask the personality, or cause nausea, upset stomach, appetite changes, dry mouth, or drowsiness
- No side effects associated with starting or stopping the medication
- Safe for children as young as five
- Easy-dissolve tablet
- No artificial colors or flavors
Another unique aspect about Brillia is that it is part of a holistic approach, which combines neuroscience with behavioral science. The medication works best when combined with healthy lifestyle factors like proper nutrition, adequate sleep, controlled screen time, and mindfulness, which have all been shown to contribute to a balanced mind and body. Along with Brillia, these lifestyle habits referred to as the “5 Pillars” ensure that you and your child are developing coping mechanisms to better manage your symptoms with or without medication.
How Long Does it Take for Brillia to Start Working?
Brillia is a gentle and cumulative medication. It takes three to four weeks for the active ingredient to build in the system and must be taken consistently with 3 daily doses. The body relies on a steady trickle to see results. While some users notice a difference after the first two to three weeks of starting Brillia, for others it can take longer. In addition to being consistent, we recommend waiting a full three months before assessing results.
It's also important to use the correct dose. If you are not seeing the results you are expecting we do encourage you to be open to trying a different dose. The following guidelines will show you how to begin.
Use Your Discretion to Understand Your Dosage
No two people experience anxiety or ADHD the same. The recommended dosage is based on the severity of your symptoms as you would rate them: mild, moderate, or severe. If you are not sure, we recommend choosing the moderate dosage.
For adults, the dosage is as follows:
Mild: Take 1 Tablet 3 Times per Day
Though everyone gets anxious from time to time or has trouble concentrating when life gets busy, when these symptoms start to show up frequently and interfere with your daily life and relationships, you may need more support.
If you would describe your symptoms as mild or only bothered on occasion, start with the mild dose. After three to four weeks, feel free to assess results to decide if this is the right dose for you.
Moderate: Take 2 Tablets 3 Times per Day
If you are not sure where to begin, but you’re sure you need support, then we recommend starting with the moderate dose.
Moderate symptoms will produce many of the same symptoms as mild, but these symptoms will happen more frequently and with more intensity.
Severe: Take 3 Tablets in the Morning, 2 in the Afternoon, 3 in the Evening
If you would describe your symptoms as severe, unmanageable, or uncontrollable, begin with this dose. You may even choose this dose if you are already taking prescription medication for anxiety or ADHD. Brillia can be taken alongside prescription medication to avoid increasing your dosage or you can transition to Brillia if your medication is no longer working for you. Find out more about taking Brillia with prescription medication.
Doses for Children
Though Brillia for Children and Brillia for Adults contain the same active ingredient, the adult version has a much stronger formulation, so it’s better for minors under 18 to use the children’s version to allow for more incremental dosing changes.
Similar to the adult product, the recommended dosage for children is based on the severity of your child's symptoms as you would rate them: moderate or severe. There is no mild option.
For children, the dosage is as follows:
Moderate: Take 1 Tablet 3 Times per Day
If you are not sure where your child should begin, we recommend starting with the moderate dose. We know that it can be difficult to administer three doses with the school schedule, but it’s important that your child receives a steady trickle in the system for the active ingredient to build up. If they cannot take the medication at school, you can give the first dose in the morning, the second dose as soon as they come home, and the third dose a couple of hours before bedtime. It’s okay if two doses end up being close together, you can spread the doses more evenly on weekends and holidays.
Severe: Take 2 Tablets 3 Times per Day
If you would describe your child’s symptoms as severe, frequent, or intense, start with the severe dose. Remember to be patient and consistent before assessing results.
During the first three months of starting Brillia, it’s important that you and/or your child implement the healthy lifestyle factors outlined in the 5 Pillars. As the product builds up in the system, these healthy lifestyle choices will become habits that require little effort.
How Long Does One Stay On Brillia?
Brillia can be used for as long as it is providing support and can be stopped at any time without withdrawal effects. And once you do stop, you can be sure the medication will start to completely leave the system.
The reason why the 5 Pillars are so important is because as your child matures, and as adults adapt to these changes, these healthier lifestyle choices will become habits. As you and/or your child learn behavioral strategies to control your symptoms, you will eventually need less and less of a product. But there’s no harm in continuing to use Brillia if you need extra support.
What About Taking the 4th Month Off?
Some Brillia users do decide to take the 4th month off. Our studies have shown that the active ingredient builds up enough during a 3-month period of consistent use to provide support during the month off. Symptoms should not return during this month off after which you can start another three months on Brillia. If you would like to try this regimen, it’s important to monitor symptoms. If you see any symptoms return then it’s not a good option and you should start using Brillia as soon as possible, and use Brillia continually. Some people are afraid to try taking a month off, worried that the symptoms will come back. There is no harm in taking Brillia consistently without stopping if that is what works best for you or your child.
When to Know it’s Time to Switch the Dose
Symptoms of anxiety and ADHD exist on a spectrum and it may take some time and experimentation to find the right fit for you. Finding the right dose that provides optimal results may require trying different doses to see which works best for you. The recommendation is to stay on each dose for at least 4 weeks, and if you are not seeing the results you are looking for, then try a higher dose (which just means taking more of the same tablets with each dose). There is no harm in trying different doses, it’s just important to allow enough time for each dose to build up in the system and then evaluate. You will never build a tolerance to Brillia, so once you do find your correct dosage, you can stick to it for as long as it’s working. If you purchase Brillia you will receive regular emails from our customer care team with guidance on how to achieve the best results, and when and how to try different doses to find the best fit for you.
Conversely, you can always try to dose down to see if a lower dose works just as well for you or your child. The same recommendation applies: stay consistently on the lower dose for at least 4 weeks to see if the results remain. If you notice any symptoms coming back or regression, that is a clear sign that this lower dose is not a good option and to go back to the higher dose right away. You should see the same results return once you get back on that dose for at least 4 weeks.
Find out more about how Brillia works and explore more resources on managing symptoms of ADHD and anxiety at the Brillia(nce) Resource Center.
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