Taking Brillia With Prescription Anxiety or ADHD Medication

Taking Brillia With Prescription Anxiety or ADHD Medication

"Some individuals choose to switch over to Brillia completely to avoid the negative side effects of prescription drugs"

Taking Brillia with Prescription Anxiety/ADHD Meds

Many individuals struggling with mood disorders or ADHD take prescription medication to deal with symptoms like anxiety, inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. These include antidepressants, benzodiazepines, or stimulant drugs, which are effective for many, but also come with a range of side effects that can be uncomfortable for some users, such as nausea, dizziness, weight changes, and fatigue. Some individuals find relief from such symptoms by switching to Brillia, a non-prescription homeopathic medication for children and adults designed to reduce anxiety and ADHD symptoms without harsh chemicals or harmful side effects. Yet others find greater success in taking Brillia in conjunction with their prescribed medications. Explore the benefits and disadvantages of combining medications, when to introduce Brillia to your regimen, and how soon you can expect to see results.

Anxiety & ADHD Management in Adults

There are many ways to manage anxiety and ADHD in adults, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), lifestyle and dietary changes, and medication. Since the pandemic began, prescriptions for anti-anxiety medications, such as Klonopin and Ativan, have risen 10.2% in the U.S.1 and nearly 22% of adults have started taking ADHD medication for the first time, with many more modifying, adding, and switching treatments.2

At Brillia, we believe that medication should be a last resort. It’s recommended to try gentle lifestyle changes first as outlined in our 5-Pillar methodology. These pillars include:  

  • Proper nutrition: Diets high in sugar and processed foods have been shown to worsen symptoms of anxiety and ADHD. Conversely, a nutritious diet can help reduce symptoms. Studies show that the best meals to enhance your mood is one that combines complex carbohydrates with lean proteins and colorful produce. Proteins like lean meats and eggs have also been linked to higher levels of dopamine and norepinephrine, which play a role in mood, motivation, and concentration.3
  • Adequate sleep: Like poor nutrition, inadequate sleep can exacerbate symptoms related to anxiety and attention disorders. By getting adequate sleep, the brain is able to function properly, improving mood, and supporting learning and memory.4 
  • Mindfulness & relaxation: Meditation, mindful breathing, and other relaxation techniques can help individuals manage their anxiety symptoms, improve their mood, and reduce feelings of restlessness and irritability. One key study by UCLA researchers found that an 8-week mindfulness program resulted in improvements in ADHD symptoms and in test performance on tasks measuring attention and cognitive inhibition. There were also improvements in anxiety and depressive symptoms.5
  • Controlled screen time: Excessive screen time has been associated with increased anxiety and restlessness. It can also wreak havoc on one’s sleep. Studies show that replacing screen time with “green time,” or time spent in nature, can help reduce anxiety and improve cognitive function.6 

Taking Brillia is the last of the 5 Pillars and another effective way to manage symptoms of anxiety and ADHD without the use of harsh, synthetic chemicals as in prescription medication. Brillia’s active ingredient consists of antibodies to the S100B protein, an important regulator of mood. When this protein is out of balance, feelings of anxiety, restlessness, and irritability ensue. By seeking out and attaching to the S100B protein, Brillia helps regulate the activity of this protein and consequently stops it from instigating symptoms while normalizing the levels of feel-good neurotransmitters like dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. Restoring balance in the brain helps to promote calmness and clarity. This is efficiently achieved without any off-target effects and without any harmful interactions with other medications or supplements.

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Benefits of Taking Brillia in Conjunction with Medication 

We understand that, for some, prescription medications are the best option. But there may be lingering symptoms or secondary side effects that can be controlled with Brillia. One such symptom is anxiety, which is a common side effect of stimulant medication. Brillia can also help to avoid or minimize having to continually increase the dose of their prescription medications by providing supplement support.  

It is safe to take Brillia in conjunction with your current prescription medications because there are no contraindications associated with the medication. Some individuals choose to switch over to Brillia completely to avoid the negative side effects of prescription drugs. If you would like to try this, it is recommended to start Brillia in conjunction with your prescription medications to allow the active ingredient to build up in the system first (for at least 3-4 weeks) and then under the care of your physician follow their guidance on how to come off of your prescription medications. 

Many users notice a difference after the first two to three weeks of starting Brillia, though it may take even longer. During this time and even after continuing to take Brillia, it’s important that you follow the healthy lifestyle factors outlined in the 5-Pillar methodology and wait a full three months to decide if the medication (or combination of medications) is working for you. 

Disadvantages & Side Effects 

It’s important to note that taking Brillia to supplement prescription medications will not resolve all of the side effects from being on prescription medications. Brillia is also a gentle and cumulative product which requires users to be patient with results. As stated above, we suggest waiting at least 3-4 weeks to allow the active ingredient to build up in the system. 

There are no harmful side effects associated with Brillia. Though the medication contains lactose, it is gluten-free and nut-free. 

How to Add Brillia to Your Regimen 

One of the benefits of taking a homeopathic medication like Brillia is that you can start and stop at any time without suffering from side effects or withdrawal symptoms. If you are experiencing side effects from your current medications, considering increasing your dosage, or simply curious about taking an alternative to prescription medication, it’s perfectly safe to add Brillia to your regimen when you feel like it’s the right time for you.

Learn more about how Brillia works and explore more resources on managing ADHD and anxiety at the Brillia blog.

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References: 1https://www.wsj.com/articles/more-people-are-taking-drugs-for-anxiety-and-insomnia-and-doctors-are-worried-11590411600, 2https://www.additudemag.com/adhd-symptoms-diagnosed-treated-in-pandemic/, 3https://health.clevelandclinic.org/bad-mood-look-to-your-food/, 4https://healthysleep.med.harvard.edu/healthy/matters/benefits-of-sleep/learning-memory, 5https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18025249/, 6https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7473739/
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