How to Help a Child with Anxiety [Flowchart]

How to Help a Child with Anxiety [Flowchart]

Is your child, or a child you know, suffering from childhood anxiety? The five pillars of Brillia are designed to help children with attention and anxiety challenges through a holistic approach.

Use this flowchart and find out if you should start with proper nutrition, adequate sleep, mindfulness & relaxation, controlled screen time, or Brillia when easing a child’s anxiety.

Ready to try Brillia?

We recommend getting started with a 3-month supply moderate dosage, that includes free shipping and our Money back guarantee.
Applies to first-time buyers only within 120 days from first date of purchase, limited to one 3-month bundle or three 1-month supplies per product per child or adult in the same household. FedEx overnight shipping not refundable. Subscription orders excluded. Return Policy.
See Children/Teens for severe dosage.

Flowchart: Helping Kids with Anxiety

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