How To Motivate Your Child To Do Their Homework

How To Motivate Your Child To Do Their Homework

"If you feel like your child’s symptoms are interfering with their learning, consider trying a non-prescription medication like Brillia."

Homework Help for Kids with ADHD

Not many kids look forward to doing their homework after school. But if your child or teenager has an attention disorder, they may have even more difficulty getting started, maintaining interest, and completing their tasks. If this sounds like your kid, keep reading to learn about some practical homework tips, such as establishing a routine, encouraging breaks, and more.

Practical Homework Tips for Parents

Beyond more formal support like hiring a tutor or customizing a plan for your child with their teacher (including classroom accommodations), the following practical homework tips are easy ways to help your child feel more motivated to strive for academic success. 

1. Create a Designated Study Space for Your Child

Designate a quiet, organized study space free from distractions. This space should be conducive to focus and concentration, helping to minimize stress and anxiety during homework sessions. If possible, try to keep this space separate from the bedroom so that your child doesn’t associate their sleeping space with doing homework (which can eventually interfere with their sleep). Some tips to optimize their study space:

  • Ensure there’s good lighting to avoid eye strain.
  • Provide noise-canceling headphones if needed to minimize noisy distractions.
  • Keep the space clutter-free
  • Allow your child to personalize their homework space by choosing office supplies in their favorite colors, an encouraging poster on the wall, a stylish chair, etc. 

2. Establish a Homework Routine

Consistency is key when it comes to managing homework. Most kids with ADHD struggle with transitioning from one task to another, but establishing a daily routine that includes a set time for homework allows your child to anticipate and prepare for their dedicated study period.

3. Break Tasks into Smaller Chunks

If the path from A to Z is too long, your child will have difficulty maintaining interest all the way to completion. Instead, break down homework assignments into smaller, more manageable chunks they can cross off their list. This approach helps to alleviate feelings of overwhelm and anxiety, and motivates them every time they complete each of the smaller tasks along the way.

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4. Set Realistic Goals

Breaking larger tasks into smaller chunks also helps your child or teen set realistic goals. They may not be able to finish a major essay the night before it’s due, but if they work away at it 20 minutes each day or focus on one paragraph at a time, they can realistically reach their goal and stay on task until they get there. Encourage your child to set realistic goals for each and every homework session. And reward them whenever they reach another milestone, even if it’s just a few words of praise and recognition for their hard work.

5. Offer Support, Not Answers

When your child is working on a difficult problem and perhaps feeling frustrated if they’ve been at it for a while,  provide support and guidance without giving them all the answers. Encourage them to problem-solve independently, offering assistance when needed but allowing them the opportunity to learn from their mistakes. Remember, homework is a tool that teaches them to build up their own skills. If you complete the assignment for them, these skills will be lost or take even longer to build.

6. Connect Homework to Real-Life Scenarios

Help your child see the relevance of their homework by connecting it to real-life scenarios. This can make the tasks feel more meaningful and engaging, reducing feelings of frustration and disinterest. For instance, if your child is learning about fractions, instead of thinking abstractly, consider a real-life scenario using fractions, such as in baking. Break out the measuring cups and show them what a ¾ cup of flour looks and how that becomes ¼ and so on. By thinking of math concepts concretely, your child learns how these concepts function in their everyday life. 

7. Encourage Breaks

Recognize the importance of breaks during homework sessions, especially for children with ADHD. Encourage short breaks to stretch, move around, or engage in a relaxing activity before returning to their work refreshed and refocused. For younger kids you might try the “10-3” Rule, in which you limit difficult work to just 10 minutes followed by a three-minute movement break. Older kids can try the Pomodoro Technique, in which they work continuously for 25 minutes and then take a five-minute break.

8. Be a Role Model

Model healthy homework habits by demonstrating organization, time management, and perseverance in your own tasks and responsibilities. Show them how to react calmly when encountering a setback and how to ask thoughtful questions when they’re tackling a problem they know little about. Most of all, be firm in sticking to your word and preserving when you strive towards tasks in your own life. If they watch you clear obstacles and get back up after failing, they learn what resilience looks like first hand.

9. Celebrate Progress & Communicate with Teachers

Celebrate your child's progress and achievements, no matter how small. Positive reinforcement can boost confidence and motivation, making homework a more positive experience. Also be sure to maintain open communication with your child's teachers to address any concerns or challenges they may be facing (but might not be telling you about).

10. Look into OTC Medication for ADHD

Common symptoms of ADHD in children include inattention, restlessness, hyperactivity, impulsivity, and irritability. ADHD in girls may also be less noticeable, showing up as poor focus, “daydreaming,” or low self-esteem. If you feel like your child’s symptoms are interfering with their learning, consider trying a non-prescription medication like Brillia. Free from harsh, synthetic chemicals and harmful side effects, Brillia reduces symptoms of ADHD gently and impactfully by targeting the brain-specific S100B protein, an important biomarker that regulates attention, mood, and learning. When this protein is dysregulated, your child can feel unfocused, unmotivated, hyperactive, and anxious. Brillia attaches to this protein to enhance calmness and clarity in your child or teen without altering blood chemistry, masking their personality, making them drowsy, or causing any off-target effects.

Brillia works best in combination with the healthy lifestyle habits outlined in our 5 Pillars, a holistic approach that combines neuroscience and behavioral science for long-term success. These habits include proper nutrition, adequate sleep, controlled screen time, and mindfulness. Sometimes, making lifestyle changes related to these pillars is enough to reduce your child’s symptoms and improve their focus and motivation. Brillia provides the extra support needed until your child adjusts to these habits and they become automatic. Ultimately, this holistic strategy teaches your child how to self-regulate with valuable coping skills they can use throughout their lives.    

Helping children with ADHD navigate homework can be a daunting task, but with patience, understanding, and the right strategies in place, it's possible to create a supportive environment where they can thrive academically. By implementing these practical tips and remaining consistent in your support, you can help your child develop the skills and confidence needed to tackle homework and classwork with ease and enthusiasm.

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