Understanding Different Types of ADHD Treatment For Kids 2021

Understanding Different Types of ADHD Treatment For Kids 2021

From stimulant medications to cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), there are a variety of treatments now available for ADHD, which affects an estimated 6.1 million children in the U.S.1 Since one child might react positively to a treatment that doesn’t work for another child, it’s imperative that parents know the ins and outs of each option, along with the possible side effects associated with each. Knowing what to expect can help you devise a plan to support your child no matter what route you choose.

Types of ADHD Treatment

The first thing that might pop into your head when considering ADHD treatment is medication. And while it’s true that 62 percent of kids diagnosed with ADHD are being treated with medication, it’s crucial to understand that there are a variety of ADHD medications for kids available, including non-prescription, non-stimulant varieties.2 It’s also important to note that medication is only one option. There is also therapy available for ADHD kids as well as school interventions, which have proven to be successful for many. 

For children with ADHD younger than six, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends parents train in behavior management as a primary treatment, before giving medication a try.3 In terms of therapy, CBT provides a short-term, goal-oriented option of psychotherapy for ADHD kids that sets out to change their negative patterns of thinking and alter the way they feel about themselves and their abilities. At Brillia, we believe a combination of changes can help maximize the results parents are looking for. Therapy, the right medication, and a combination of lifestyle factors outlined in our 5-Pillar approach may be the most well-rounded option for your child. Our 5 Pillars include following a healthy diet, getting adequate sleep, controlling screen time, practicing mindfulness, and taking Brillia

School interventions as an ADHD treatment plan constitutes a number of adjustments to the classroom setting.4 This may include individualized accommodations and structure for the child, tailored feedback, daily school-home report cards, behavior charts, and more.   

Types of ADHD Medications for Children 

Stimulant medications are commonly prescribed for ADHD. They increase the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain to help kids focus better and filter out distractions. There are two types of stimulant medications, including immediate-release, which are taken as needed, and extended-release medi­cations,which are usually taken once a day. Common examples of these drugs include Ritalin, Adderall, and Dexedrine. Though these drugs are prescribed often, they are not always the right choice for kids because of their side effects, which may include decreased appetite, headaches, moodiness, and more.

There are also non-stimulant and homeopathic over-the-counter medications available, including Brillia. Every non-stimulant medication is different and Brillia works through antibody science, a unique and revolutionary approach that sets Brillia apart. There is no other medication currently available that uses this approach or the type of active ingredient Brillia uses, which is extremely targeted and doesn’t affect any other systems in the body. The main ingredient is antibodies to the brain-specific S100 protein (S100B), an important regulator of various different intracellular and extracellular brain processes. Overactive S-100 proteins have been linked to hyperactivity, lack of focus and increased anxiety, and Brillia tablets are designed to counteract this overactivity, leading to increased clarity, reduced restlessness, and enhanced focus. Brillia is a non-prescription medication that contains no harsh chemicals, so one of the benefits of taking this medication is that there are no harmful side effects or contraindications like those associated with stimulant drugs. Brillia can also be used in conjunction with prescription medication to help reduce specific symptoms. For example, some prescription medications cause increased anxiety, and Brillia can counteract this anxiety. So if you are already happy with the results of a particular medication, but not so happy with some of the side effects, Brillia may be a great complementary medication. 

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Common Side Effects of Stimulant Medications 

While stimulant medications might mask the symptoms of ADHD symptoms, they do come with a caveat: side effects. These include:

  • Sleep problems
  • Decreased appetite
  • Moodiness
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Stomach aches
  • Dry mouth 
  • Nervousness

Also, instead of addressing the root causes of a child’s ADHD, stimulant drugs merely mute the behaviors, which often rebound when the drugs wear off. This is why finding a medication that addresses the actual challenges of ADHD instead of distracting from them is ideal.  

How Brillia Can Help 

Available without an official diagnosis or prescription, Brillia bypasses the negative side effects of pharmaceuticals altogether, while at the same time addressing the root cause of the symptoms. By normalizing the processes related to the S100B protein, Brillia reduces common ADHD symptoms due to its targeted active ingredient, which works in combination with healthy lifestyle changes, referred to as the holistic 5-Pillar approach. Taking Brillia in addition to following a healthy diet, minimizing screen time, practicing mindfulness, and getting adequate sleep helps to maximize the effectiveness of the medication. And if your child is already taking a prescribed drug for ADHD, Brillia can be added to their regimen without worry because there are no contraindications. In some cases, parents have transitioned to Brillia from prescription drugs, though it is advised to consult your doctor first and give Brillia 2-3 weeks to build in the system to experience the best results. 

While every child’s experience with ADHD is unique, being empowered with the knowledge of every treatment option available will help you make the right choice for your family. Even if prescription medication is the right choice for your child, consider exploring the pillars of Brillia’s holistic approach to maximize your results. Review the 5-Pillars here.


References: 1https://www.additudemag.com/statistics-of-adhd/, 2https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/adhd/data.html, 3https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/adhd/treatment.html, 4https://chadd.org/for-parents/school-interventions/
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