Natural Remedies For Reducing Teenage Stress & Anxiety

Natural Remedies For Reducing Teenage Stress & Anxiety

From Grease to High School Musical, Hollywood’s portrayal of teenage life is one big party worth singing about. But for some teenagers, anxiety and stress run the show. In fact, according to the National Institutes of Health, nearly 1 in 3 of all adolescents ages 13 to 18 in the U.S. will experience an anxiety disorder. While some parents choose to quell their child’s stress with prescribed anxiety medicine for teenagers, studies show that natural remedies for teenage anxiety can be just as effective without the risk of serious side effects. 

Signs & Symptoms of Anxiety in Teens 

While worrying about finals or feeling restless may be common hallmarks of teenage life, there comes a time when worrying, restlessness, sleeplessness, and other traits may be signs of a bigger problem. Stress and anxiety manifest in a variety of ways, but some of the more common signs and symptoms of teenage anxiety to monitor include the following: 

  • Excessive fears and worries

  • Feelings of inner restlessness

  • Continual nervousness, even in the absence of threat

  • Dependent, withdrawn, or uneasy in social settings

  • Frequent complaints about muscle tension, cramps, headaches, and fatigue

  • Blotching, flushing, sweating, and hyperventilating  

  • Startling easily

  • Extreme shyness

  • Disinterest in usual activities 

  • Refusal to engage in new experiences

  • Sudden engagement in risky behaviors like sexual impulsivity or drug experimentation

  • Intense panic triggered by specific things or situations

  • School avoidance

  • Poor performance in school, sports, or social interactions

    Safely reduce anxiety, impulsivity and lack of focus in children, teens and adults.

What Triggers Teen Anxiety?

Remote learning and isolated lockdowns have become new causes for anxiety and depression in teenagers today, with COVID-19 shaking up their routine and replacing it with uncertainty. In one New York Times article, a teenager described pandemic isolation as “suffocating,” and a recent study of 3,300 high school students showed that nearly one-third of teens felt unhappy or depressed since the start of the pandemic. After all, research shows that adolescents rely on their friendships to manage anxiety and maintain a sense of self-worth. And while some teens turn to their screens to engage with their peers, social media might be making things even worse. Recent studies have shown a correlation between depression in teens (especially amongst teenage girls) and excessive use of screens, including a rise in suicidal thoughts. Genetics and more common environmental factors also play a role in teenage anxiety, with triggers ranging from hormones to academic expectations to peer pressure. 

How Brillia for Children Can Help Teen Anxiety 

If left untreated, anxiety may worsen over time, with research showing that when children with anxiety do not receive support, they are at higher risk for poor academic performance, isolation from peers, and engagement in substance abuse. Implementing a natural treatment plan can make life easier for your teen by easing the symptoms of anxiety and equipping them with lifelong tools to keep anxiety at bay, such as mindfulness, proper nutrition, better sleep, and healthy screen use as covered in Brillia’s 5-Pillar approach. Using Brillia as a homeopathic alternative to prescription anxiety medication is also proven to work in tandem with healthy lifestyle changes to target your child’s anxiety naturally with no harmful side effects.  

Brillia is a non-prescription natural anxiety medication for children and teens specifically designed to reduce feelings of anxiety, stress, and restlessness. The homeopathic supplement contains antibodies to the brain-specific S100 protein (S100B), which regulates various intracellular and extracellular brain processes. Brillia succeeds in stopping the S100B protein from wreaking havoc in the body, consequently regulating levels of anxiety and hyperactivity. 

Proven benefits of taking Brillia include: 

  • Reduced feelings of anxiety, irritability, and hyperactivity

  • Enhanced clarity and focus

  • No side effects or contraindications with other supplements or medication

Additional Ways to Ease Teenage Anxiety Naturally

Along with using a product like Brillia, there are a number of natural ways parents can treat their teens’ anxiety. These include implementing healthier lifestyle factors as detailed in Brillia’s 5 Pillar program. Some natural anxiety remedies for kids include:

  • Limiting screen time: While screens are probably used even more excessively now with online learning, it’s important that teens limit their screen use so it doesn’t exacerbate anxiety or interfere with sleep. Encourage non-screen activities to keep your teen engaged and present, such as regular exercise and family board games. On the flipside, if your teen is using screens to connect with their friends, urge them to use face-to-face platforms like Zoom or FaceTime instead of social media. 

  • Following a nutritious diet: Help your teen resist diets high in sugar and processed foods, which can make the symptoms of anxiety worse. Eliminate sugary sodas, juices, and caffeinated drinks and adopt a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, healthy fats, and high-quality protein. 

  •  Getting adequate sleep: The national recommended guidelines for sleep indicate that teenagers require eight to ten hours of sleep. But with their circadian rhythms shifting, your teen may want to stay up later and wake up later than usual. Work with them to figure out an effective sleeping schedule and to create a positive sleep ritual, such as powering down screens at an appropriate hour.

  • Practicing mindfulness techniques: From tai chi and yoga to mindfulness meditation, there are a number of different techniques your teen can utilize to wind down, center themselves, and become more mindful. 

  • Trying cognitive-behavioral therapy: In some cases, cognitive-behavioral therapy can be effective in helping teens examine their anxiety and anticipate triggering situations. By understanding their anxiety better, and what causes it, teens feel more equipped to deal with it more effectively when it arises. 

How to Talk to Your Teen About Anxiety

Lastly, one of the most effective tools a parent or caregiver can use with their anxious teen is being present. If you suspect your teen is struggling with anxiety, check in on them regularly and practice being a good listener when they need to vent. While you cannot force your teen to share their worries with you, showing them that you are a reliable resource available to them will help them feel safe in a world that may sometimes feel unsafe. Resist the urge to brush away their worries as insignificant or to react with panic if they reveal something alarming. The most important thing you can do when your teen comes to you in need is to give them the peace of mind that you’re in this together.

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