Brillia 5 Pillars: Proper Nutrition

Foods that Help Kids Focus

Poor nutrition has been linked directly to making symptoms worse. Studies also show that a nutritious diet can help reduce these symptoms. The food we put in our body has a direct, significant and long-term impact on the way our body feels and functions. This is especially important for developing children.

Good nutrition can be an extremely helpful tool especially for anyone who struggles with focus and attention issues.

As part of Brillia’s holistic program, we offer lots of advice from nutritionists and other professionals and other parents on how to make changes for the better! We also would love to get input from all of our Brillia family on tips and recipes to share. 

Recommended blogs:

Turning proper nutrition into fun activities for kids

Ready to try Brillia?

We recommend getting started with a 3-month supply moderate dosage, that includes free shipping and our Money back guarantee.
Applies to first-time buyers only within 120 days from first date of purchase, limited to one 3-month bundle or three 1-month supplies per product per child or adult in the same household. FedEx overnight shipping not refundable. Subscription orders excluded. Return Policy.
See Children/Teens for severe dosage.

14 of the best foods to help our child focus

Why sugar is bad for children struggling with attention issues

Image by silviarita from Pixabay

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