Talking to Other Parents About Alternative Treatment Options for Attention and Anxiety Issues

Two people sitting at a table holding coffee cups.

Alternative treatment options for attention and anxiety issues continue to grow in popularity. More people are opening up about the negative effects they felt after using traditional pharmaceutical options for years. At the same time, new data is being released about the success of alternative treatments. These two trends have left a lot of parents wondering if alternative approaches are right for their families.

If you are one of the families who has found success with Brillia and the five pillars you may be dying to share the positive impact its made on your life! And yet, some parents struggle with deviating from a traditional treatment plan. They might consider alternative treatments as a supplement to the traditional pharma route but not as a stand-alone option. It’s challenging to share your story without casting judgement on others, or alienate them, but it’s still possible. Here are some of our favorite ways to talk to other parents about alternative treatment options for attention and anxiety issues.

Provide a Complete Picture

It is human nature to be skeptical of something that sounds too good to be true. Whether you’re talking to other parents about traditional pharma treatments or alternative options, it helps to paint a complete picture. Talk about the trepidation or hesitation you had yourself as much as you talk about the benefits. Explain your child’s story with all the important details. More than anything, the families you share with should be able to make the most informed decisions for their child. If they are already open to alternative treatment options for attention and anxiety issues, give them advice about how you navigated telling your family and friends. They might worry their support system won’t understand their decisions, but you can help talk them through that experience.

Connect them with Others

Experience is the best way to understand any treatment plan. Try to connect these parents with other families you know who are going through the same thing. Encourage everyone to talk openly about the success and failures of their child’s treatment plan. The goal is to create a network of people that new parents can turn to at every step of their journey. A sense of community is always helpful for parents with children who struggle with focus and anxiety.

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Offer Studies and Helpful Information

A common misconception is that alternative treatment options aren’t based on strong science. Although there may be fewer clinical trials to use as evidence of success, there is information out there. For more curious parents who want facts, have a few studies on hand that they can read before they make their decision. Point them to studies that helped you make your decision. Connect them with doctors and professionals that could answer your questions.

Try to find resources that are easy to digest so that they can feel confident about their decision to use alternative treatment options. If they don’t understand what alternative options, it’s less likely that they’ll consider it. So keep the studies easy to understand and helpful.

Be Patient with Questions

Finally, the best advice for talking to parents about alternative treatment options for anxiety and attention issues is to just be patient. They will likely have a dozen new questions for every answer you provide. Remember when you were just starting down this path and how worried you were that you would make a wrong decision. Try to remain empathetic with each new question. Keep working with them, answering questions and finding new resources so they can make a confident choice, and help others who are faced with the same decision.

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